100 Open Startups - Construction Challenge

Corporate Network of Executives

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  • » TÜV Rheinland
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  • » Uniflex Mateus Grou
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  • » Unimed Curitiba
  • » Unimed Governador Valadares
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  • » Unimed Seguros
  • » Unimed São José dos Campos
  • » Unimed Vitória
  • » Unipac | Grupo Jacto
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  • » URBA
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  • » VINCI Energies
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  • » Volkswagen Caminhões e Ônibus
  • » Votorantim Cimentos
  • » Votorantim Metais
  • » Votorantim SA
  • » Votorantim Siderurgia
  • » Welcome Tomorrow Mobility Conference (WTM)
  • » Wells Fargo
  • » Whirlpool
  • » WSO2
  • » Zona Franca de Bogotá - Grupo ZFB

This is a grand challenge jointly proposed by leading corporations interested in collaborating with startups. If you believe you can be the protagonist of the solution, register your startup:

Description of Challenge:

Civil construction is one of the most important sectors in Brazilian economy and with the economic crisis and loss of momentum of the industry thousands of jobs were eliminated last year which affects other sectors such as the automotive industry, consumer goods and others due to loss of workers’ purchasing power. Additionally the high rate of informality, bureaucracy, regulatory issues changing from one region to another and low qualification of labor end up by generating more obstacles to the sector development. Despite the difficulties there are several opportunities so that entrepreneurs would propose new solutions to increase production, qualification and improvement of conditions. Startups have developed solutions in areas such as new materials, solutions in analytics, new construction processes and others but there are still plenty of opportunities to be exploited.

Opportunities for Startups:

  • » Pre-construction tools enabling architects, civil, mechanical, and electric and piping engineers to design or visualize structures before being executed; it includes solutions helping to generate models in 2D, 3D and BIM besides structural and energy analyses. It also includes application of technologies such as VR and AR;
  • » Support solutions to homeowners, builders and project managers in the management of the entire lifecycle of projects from budgeting to delivery including pre-construction, management of works, reduction of waste focusing on increase of productivity, collaboration, platforms, using mobile technologies and SaaS;
  • » Marketplaces, platforms for acquisition of materials, purchase or lease of equipment and hiring of professionals;
  • » Construction technologies including new construction materials and systems in addition to the use of 3D printing, robotics, modular construction helping to increase productivity, cost reduction or acceleration of works;
  • » New real estate acquisition / occupancy models, that is, shared use development (residential – fixed and commercial – lease);
  • » Sustainability solutions for application in construction and also building in use;
  • » BIM (Building Information Modeling) Technology applied to civil construction.

100 Open Startups is a corporate-startup engagement platform created and maintained by more than 100 global leading organizations that together evaluate and rank startups worldwide for business generation.

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