100 Open Startups - Agribusiness Challenge

Corporate Network of Executives

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  • » Carl Zeiss AG
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  • » Elox Trade Comercial Importadora e Exportadora Ltda
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  • » Fast Shop
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  • » Federação das Indústrias do Estado da Bahia -FIEB
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  • » Fiat Chrysler Automobiles
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  • » Funcional Health Tech
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  • » GASMIG
  • » GE
  • » Gemalto
  • » Gerdau
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  • » Google
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  • » Granjas 4 Irmãos
  • » Grant Thornton
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  • » Grupo Orbis
  • » Grupo Padrão
  • » Grupo Petropolis
  • » Grupo SOLPanamby
  • » Grupo Éxito
  • » guiabolso
  • » H.Health BraIl
  • » Hapvida NotreDame Intermédica
  • » Hermes Pardini
  • » Hitachi India
  • » HP
  • » HPE Automotores do Brasil
  • » HSBC
  • » HubSpot
  • » Höganäs
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  • » IACIT Solucoes Tecnologicas SA
  • » IBM
  • » IC Transportes
  • » iD\TBWA
  • » iFood
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  • » Imerys
  • » In Loco - Incognia
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  • » InBetta
  • » Indra Company
  • » Industria Eletrica Marangoni Maretti Ltda
  • » Indústria Mecânica São Carlos
  • » Infobip
  • » Informa Group
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  • » Insper
  • » Instituto Federal Fluminense
  • » Integra Global Business Networks
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  • » International Paper
  • » Ipanema Indústria de Produtos Veterinários Ltda
  • » Irani S.A
  • » Italbronze ltda
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  • » ITW
  • » Jacto
  • » Jalles Machado S/A
  • » JBS S/A
  • » JM Smucker
  • » Johnson & Johnson
  • » JPMorgan
  • » Kanui
  • » Kerry
  • » Kick
  • » Klabin
  • » Klin Produtos Infantis Ltda.
  • » Klüber Lubrication
  • » Koerich
  • » KPMG
  • » Lean Institute Brasil
  • » Leroy Merlin
  • » Levapan
  • » Libbs Farmacêutica
  • » Libercon Engenharia LTDA
  • » Logicalis
  • » Lorinvest Gestão de Recursos Ltda
  • » Luft
  • » LUFT Logistics
  • » Lwart Soluções Ambientais Ltda
  • » Mabe seguros
  • » Machani Group
  • » MAHLE
  • » Manserv
  • » Mastercard
  • » MATERA Systems
  • » MB Labs Tecnologia
  • » Mediphacos
  • » Mega
  • » Mega Sistemas Corporativos
  • » Megasul Sistemas
  • » Mercado Libre
  • » Meritor do Brasil
  • » Metalsa
  • » Mexichem
  • » Microsoft
  • » Minerva Foods
  • » Ministério do Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior
  • » Mitsui & Co. (Brasil) S.A.
  • » Mitsui Foods
  • » Mondelez
  • » Monsanto
  • » Mosaic Fertilizantes
  • » Movida
  • » MRV Engenharia
  • » MWM
  • » Namirial
  • » Natura
  • » Navistar
  • » Neoenergia
  • » Nestlé
  • » Network international
  • » Nicolukas
  • » Nitro Química
  • » Nova Telecom
  • » NovaAgri / Toyota Tsusho
  • » NovAmérica
  • » Novartis
  • » Novozymes
  • » NTT DATA Corporation
  • » NVIDIA
  • » Ocensa
  • » Ocyan
  • » OnaFoods
  • » Oracle
  • » Ouro Fino Agro
  • » Ourofino Saúde Animal
  • » Oxiteno
  • » Oyorooms
  • » Padtec
  • » Panasonic
  • » Parque Tecnológico Itaipu
  • » Penske Logistics
  • » PepsiCo
  • » Pernambucanas
  • » Philip Morris Brasil
  • » Piccadilly
  • » Pieracciani
  • » Pirelli
  • » Pitang
  • » Platform Builders
  • » Plena Alimentos
  • » Polinutri Nutrição Animal
  • » Portescap (a Fortive company)
  • » Porto
  • » Positivo Tecnologia
  • » Positivo Tecnologia
  • » Prefeitura de São Paulo (ADESAMPA)
  • » Prime Action Consulting
  • » Processor SA
  • » Procter & Gamble
  • » Prodap
  • » Projuris
  • » PUC-RS
  • » Pulse Hub
  • » PwC
  • » Qintess
  • » Qualcomm
  • » Rabobank
  • » Randoncorp
  • » Raízen
  • » Rentank Embalagens
  • » RHIMagnesita
  • » Rhodia Brasil
  • » RNP
  • » Roche
  • » RSU Brasil / Unotech / Bedeschi
  • » Ruta N Medellín
  • » RV Ímola
  • » SABIC
  • » SABMiller
  • » Saint-Gobain
  • » Samsung
  • » Samsung Ocean
  • » Sankhya
  • » Santander
  • » Santos Brasil SA
  • » SAP
  • » SAS
  • » Satelital
  • » Schneider Electric
  • » Sebrae Nacional
  • » Sebrae São Paulo
  • » Seedz Fidelidade
  • » Senac
  • » SENAI - Nacional
  • » SENAI - PE
  • » SENAI - PR
  • » SENAI - SP
  • » Senior Sistemas
  • » SEVA
  • » Siautec
  • » Sicredi
  • » SiDi
  • » Sidia
  • » Siemens
  • » Siigo
  • » Sindicamp
  • » Sintegra Surgical Sciencies
  • » Sioux digital 1:1
  • » Sistema Fiep
  • » Sky brasil
  • » SNEF
  • » Softplan
  • » SolarVolt Energia
  • » Solid Designer
  • » Solvian
  • » Solví/ Sotero Ambiental
  • » Sompo Seguros
  • » SONAE
  • » Ssipl retail ltd
  • » Sterlite Power
  • » STIHL
  • » Sun Chemical
  • » Sura Colombia
  • » Suzano
  • » Symrise
  • » Synapsystem
  • » Synchro
  • » Syngenta
  • » SYSTAX Sistemas Fiscais
  • » São Martinho
  • » T-Systems
  • » Take Blip
  • » Tata Steel
  • » Tech Mahindra
  • » Techint
  • » Tecnisa
  • » Telefonica
  • » Telespazio
  • » Tetra Pak
  • » The Climate Corporation
  • » thyssenkrupp
  • » TIM
  • » Timenow
  • » Tirolez
  • » TIVIT
  • » Totto
  • » TV Globo
  • » UBE
  • » Ultragaz
  • » Unilever
  • » Unimed Araçatuba
  • » Unimed Brasil
  • » Unimed Campo Grande
  • » Unimed Curitiba
  • » Unimed Federação Minas
  • » Unimed Governador Valadares
  • » Unimed Porto Alegre
  • » Unimed Seguros
  • » Unimed São José dos Campos
  • » Unimed Vitória
  • » Unipac | Grupo Jacto
  • » Universidade Positivo
  • » UPL
  • » UPS
  • » Urban Systems
  • » Valor Econômico
  • » Vecol
  • » Vetnil
  • » Vibra Energia
  • » Villares Metals
  • » Visa
  • » Visent
  • » Volkswagen
  • » Volkswagen Caminhões e Ônibus
  • » Votorantim Cimentos
  • » Votorantim Metais
  • » Votorantim SA
  • » Webmotors
  • » Whirlpool
  • » WSO2
  • » Yara Fertilizantes
  • » Yduqs
  • » Zaikenn
  • » Zen
  • » ZF South America
  • » Zilor
  • » Zoetis

This is a grand challenge jointly proposed by leading corporations interested in collaborating with startups. If you believe you can be the protagonist of the solution, register your startup:

Description of Challenge:

The agribusiness sector activities are chiefly oriented to agriculture (farming), cattle-raising and bio-energy. However the business requires challenges especially related to investments in infrastructure (logistics, machinery and others), climate changes and crop pest attacks. The sector innovation trend moves towards transgenetics and genetic improvement in addition to the use of information technology applied to farming and cattle-raising, but the companies operating in the sector have also looked for new solutions connected to animal feeding, diagnosis, industrial raw materials, data intelligence platforms for decision-making and others.

Opportunities for Startups:

  • » Technologies for increasing productivity considering the farming/forest/cattle-raising chain as a whole (e.g. logistics, industrial, commercial, food quality preservation and extension technologies);
  • » Technologies for maintenance of animal health (vaccination, diagnostics, insemination, etc.);
  • » Technologies in seeds and genetic modification (bio-engineering, molecular biology);
  • » Agricultural pesticides and pest control systems (chemical or biological);
  • » Technologies in fertilizers and fertility handling (chemical or biological);
  • » Bio-energy (e.g. ethanol, biodiesel, biomass based technologies, sewage byproducts and others);
  • » Precision farming, sensors, new machines and equipment, remote operation systems promoting rural mechanization, image identification systems (e.g. for assessment of pulp, lignin, volume and density of wood of trees in the field)
  • » Pest detection systems;
  • » Forest and agricultural technologies; efficient use of resources and productivity increase;
  • » Other environmentally sustainable technologies in forest and farming;Social sustainability technologies in forest and farming;
  • » Robotics, drones for spraying, planting, monitoring and others;
  • » New systems based on organic agriculture and agro-ecology;
  • » Technologies, products and services related to the natural ingredient supply chain.
  • » Technological platforms and mobile applications for interaction with users (guidance, information access, expert consulting, etc.);
  • » Systems promoting analytics intelligence and improvement of industrial or business processes;
  • » Analytics Services to treat collected data;
  • » Systems to promote more access to micro-credit and insurance;
  • » More efficient transport Technologies;
  • » Portals to aggregate information collected by sensors and other smart-farming elements;
  • » Cloud services for storage of information from IoT (Internet of Things).

100 Open Startups is a corporate-startup engagement platform created and maintained by more than 100 global leading organizations that together evaluate and rank startups worldwide for business generation.

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